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Stepbrother Romance: My Alpha Cowboy Stepbrother (Stepbrother Romance, Taboo, Forbidden, Stepsister, New Adult, Western Romance, Cowboy Romance) Page 2

  “Don't you trouble yourself, Nan, it's not the Fifties anymore,” replied Edward, winking at the old woman.

  Mildred scowled at him, but remained silent.

  Soon the chef arrived, pushing a silver trolley carefully ahead of him. My embarrassment was quickly forgotten, as the chef began placing platters of food on the table before us. Venison and grill-roasted vegetables. My mouth watered as I was passed a plate of the steaming food, and my stomach urgently reminded me that I had missed lunch

  The food on my laden plate was only half-consumed by the time I realized I could eat no more. I leaned back in my chair, feeling full. I noticed Mildred glance at me disapprovingly, as she carefully raised a tiny slice of venison to her thin lips. Across the table Henry and my mother had also finished eating and were talking, though I was too lost in thought to follow their words. I took a sip of wine and watch the candles as they burned, thinking back again to the events earlier that day.

  “So you liked my riding then?” asked Edward, a smile touched the corner of his lips, his eyes challenging me playfully.

  I froze, shocked, looking down at my food to hide my burning cheeks. How did he know? Maybe he had seen my sunglasses sparkling in the light, but he can't have seen what I was doing, I told myself, heart racing. I glanced around the table. No one seemed to be paying us any attention. The table was large, and thankfully Edward had spoken softly. I felt his eyes on me. It had probably only been a moment since he spoke, but it felt like an age.

  I took sip of my wine, to wet my suddenly-dry mouth.

  “You ride very well, Edward,” I managed, absently playing with the crystalline stem of the wineglass.

  He leaned closer. “I could teach you, if you like...”

  His eye met mine. I smiled, shyly.

  “Sure,” I replied, my confidence returning. “I rode a bit when I was a girl, but not for years now.”

  We made small-talk for the rest of the meal, punctuated by stolen, secret moments. A glance, a leg touching mine. Both of us aware of the occasional malignant gaze from the Aunt.

  Perhaps the heightened danger had affected me, as it took some time for me to sleep that night. The air was still, and hot. I lay naked on the silken sheets, imagining a world of forbidden pleasures.


  Iwas awoken the next day by a firm breeze whipping the drapes to the balcony aside, blasting rays of blinding sunshine across the room. The wind felt cool across my naked back. I rolled over and squinted at the clock – already mid-morning! Groggily, I pulled myself out of bed. Outside I heard a horse whinny, distant hooves pummeled the turf. I crossed the polished floorboards to the balcony. Wrapping the drapes across my breasts, and shielding my eyes from the sun with one hand, I looked out across the paddock.

  Edward stood astride his dark horse, it whinnied and reared its hooves. I smiled. He had been waiting for me to appear. I turned, and let the drapes drop as I walked away, rewarding his display with a brief, but distant, flash of my rear.

  I smiled, unabashed, as I stepped into the shower. What had come over me? I recalled my fantasies from the night before, and erotic flashes of scenes from the half-remembered dreams that had followed. Something about Edward stirred a longing deep inside of me. A longing that I had not even known existed, until it had been awakened. Was it is his confidence? Charm? Looks? I'm still not sure. Probably a little of each, and something... undefined. An animal attraction, or the way he looked at me, perhaps... Something drawing me strongly towards him, though I had not even known him a day. Indeed, I could not at that time rightly say I knew him at all, though it felt as if I did, somehow.

  I dried myself off and sought out something appropriate to wear. Though I had no horse-riding attire, I did have a pair of suitable leather boots and some yoga pants, over which I pulled a short summer dress. I smiled at my reflection in the standing mirror. I knew already that I was going to fuck him. It seemed, inevitable, but would it be today? Time will tell, I mused.

  I made my way outside and down the steep stone steps, towards the stables. Edward and his horse were no longer visible in the field below, but I was sure he would be waiting for me. It was not as warm as it had been the day before, and a brisk northeasterly wind chased clusters of small gray clouds across the hazy blue sky. The air smelled of rain to come, but for now the weather remained clement.

  Arriving at the stables, I found Edward grooming his horse. He had stripped off his shirt and the muscles of his back glistened as he worked. The corner of his mouth rose in a smile as he saw me approach. His gaze lingered upon my breasts and thighs, then he continued with his task. I approached slowly, taking my time to appreciate the movement of his body, his tanned skin glistened with the exertion.

  “How's sleeping beauty today?” he asked, as I took a seat on a bench beside him.

  “I'm good, thanks,” I replied. “I... I had a bit of trouble getting to sleep,” I added, a little guiltily.

  Edward turned from his work for a moment. “Well, they say there's nothing like a good workout to help one sleep,” he replied. A salacious grin touched his lips briefly, then turned back towards his horse. “There's some spare gear in the stable at the end. You should find something your size there.”

  Following his instruction, I walked to the stable at the end of the row. It had been turned into a tack room, fresh hay had been spread across the floor. On the walls hung racks, holding an assortment of crops and riding hats. On the opposite wall were more tools, tack and shoeing implements; even a small anvil. It had been years since I had ridden a horse, and I was feeling more than a little apprehensive as I selected some suitable gear.

  I heard the stable door swing open behind me and turned to find Edward leaning against the wall.

  “Not bad,” he said, looking me up and down.

  Edward walked towards me, and his hands went to my waist, his face close to mine. I froze, like a deer in the headlights. His hands tugged at the belt to which I had secured my riding crop.

  “You should tie this tighter, or it will slip when you’re riding,” said Edward softly, his face just inches from my own.

  I could bear the tension no longer, something had to give. On impulse, I kissed him. Edward seemed shocked for a moment. I felt his lips rise in a smile beneath mine. Worried that I had acted too soon, I pulled back, but his strong hands held me close. Blissfully, as though drifting into a dream, I surrendered to his embrace. Edward's kisses were hot and passionate. His corded arms wrapped around me. His hips pushed against mine, I felt him grow hard against my leg. It felt so big, I should have been scared, but my mind was already beyond such thoughts. I wanted it, needed it – needed him. Nothing else seemed to matter.

  With shaking hands I fumbled at his belt. The leather strap finally free, his jeans dropped to the floor, and his cock sprung from the restraining fabric like a taut spring.

  Distant thunder rolled in the sky above, followed shortly by a steadily increasing patter of rain falling on the stable's terracotta tiles. Edward released the straps on my dress, baring my breasts. Gently, he took one in his strong hand and began teasing the tip of my nipple with his agile tongue. Shivers ran through my body as his slick tongue toyed with my sensitized skin. I moaned with pleasure as he gently nibbled my erect nipples, then gasped as I felt his hand reaching down the front of my pants. His questing fingers slid softly between my welcoming, wet lips.

  Lightning flashed, followed almost immediately by a boom of thunder. The rain began to pour down in torrents, not that either of us paid it much notice. Edward’s hands worked their magic between my legs, caressing me, penetrating me. The muscles in my thighs tightened and quivered as waves of pleasure ran through my body. Unbidden, a scream escaped my lips as climax suddenly struck me; an unannounced tsunami of sensation, incomparable to anything I had known before. My legs finally gave out and I dropped to my knees, every nerve in my body tingled and my head spun for a moment as I knelt, panting for breath.

  Edward held back my hair w
ith one hand, and with the other guided his throbbing manhood into my unresisting mouth. He tasted clean, and just slightly salty. I had never liked giving blowjobs before, but his smooth hard cock filling my mouth felt satisfyingly good. Edward's fingers caressed the back of my neck as he guided his cock slowly inside of me, a little deeper each time. I gazed up. Over the tanned, firm curves of his muscled chest, his dark eyes looked into mine. I wanted it all, all of him. Gripping his firm buttocks, I pulled him towards me, swallowing him deep inside. Edward’s head rolled back and he moaned with pleasure as I took him deeper into my throat, deeper than I would have thought was possible, had I been thinking of anything at all. But there was no room for thought. Primal, instinctual passions had been released from somewhere deep inside of me.

  Finally, I pulled free, gasping for breath and gripping his now-slick cock with my hand. Edward's hard cock throbbed excitedly in my hand, as though it had a mind of its own. I looked at him, and smiled as I saw the breathless lust in his eyes. I teased the tips of his cock with my tongue playfully.

  In a single swift movement, I found myself on my hands and knees, my yoga pant pulled down to my boots. My thighs were already soaking wet when I felt him bury his face between them, his tongue probing inside of me then working its way gently along my lips then lapping hungrily at my clit. A knot of pleasure grew inside of me, pulsing, pushing to release, threatening to consume me. I almost fell, but a hand gripped me by my ponytail and pulled me back.

  I turned to watch him as he slowly pushed the head of his ample cock against my smooth, wet lips. For a moment I thought it would not fit, then slowly it began to slide inside me. Inch by inch, filling me more than I had ever known. Slowly he began to move, I could feel the swollen head of his cock stretching me as it moved deeper with each thrust. I began pushing back against him, wanting to swallow every inch of him within me.

  Spurred on by my movements, Edward gripped my waist with both hands, and began driving into me, hard and deep. My wet pussy gripped his firm shaft hungrily. For a moment it felt so huge that I thought it might burst from my chest. Again, he thrust deep. I screamed out in agonizing ecstasy as my orgasm exploded through my veins. With a growl and a final, shivering push, I felt the warmth of his cum gushing into me.

  Exhausted, we collapsed into the hay. Shivers ran through my body as his cock pulsed inside me with the beating of his heart, his body heaving against mine as we gasped for breath. Too dazed to move or speak, we lay entwined, our minds wracked with pleasure and exhaustion.


  Imust have drifted to sleep, for it was dark when I awoke. Edward was kneeling over me, he looked worried. Still half-asleep, I fumbled with my disheveled clothing. Outside the torrential rain had abated somewhat, and was now only a steady downpour. Flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder still rolled intermittently across the turbid sky.

  “Someone's coming,” Edward whispered, pressing a finger to his lips.

  I had barely finished brushing the straw from my clothes when a figure appeared at the door. The figure held an antique umbrella, which reminded me of the wings of a bat. It was the Aunt!

  “What are you two doing out here?” asked the Aunt. “Nothing, unseemly... I hope.” Cold gray eyes scrutinized us over the top of her hooked nose and wire-frame spectacles.

  “I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Auntie,” replied Edward nonchalantly. “We took shelter from the storm, though I'm touched that you troubled yourself to look for us...”

  “Hmpphh...” replied the Aunt, who looked as though she was about to add something further to the conversation, but then turned on her heel and marched away.

  Edward waited until Mildred was gone, then said, “We'd better be more careful. She's got my father under her thumb, and she could make life very difficult for us if we give her an excuse. Sometimes I think the only thing that's kept her alive this long is spite... You know, they investigated her for the death of her husband, he died from poisoning. He used to sneak off to his tool shed occasionally for a drink. According to the police report he accidentally poured rat-poison into his coffee instead of whiskey. The police questioned the staff, and a maid had seen my Aunt entering his shed that morning – and she had always made a point of avoiding it in the past. It was well known that their marriage by that stage was merely a symbolic, legally and financially convenient arrangement. My Uncle had been maintaining a mistress for years by that time, but recently his affairs had become public knowledge, much to the shame – and rage – of my Aunt. Somehow, we all knew she had poisoned him, but we said nothing; we had no proof. Well, all expect for my father, of course. He's always seen her as a harmless old woman and will not hear otherwise. The police questioned her a couple of times, but in the end they were forced to rule that it was 'accidental poisoning' due to his poor eyesight.”

  “Well, I know every family has its skeletons in the closet,” I said, taken aback, “but that's a pretty dark secret... I would say that maybe you're being paranoid, but that woman has given me a bad feeling since I first laid eyes on her.”

  “I know what you mean...” he replied distantly. “Okay, enough with the family history! It looks like the rain has died down a bit. Let's get back to the house while we can.”


  The following day we had agreed to go riding again, mostly to throw Mildred off the scent, although I did want to get more riding practice. I had slept well the night after our first passionate tryst, and had awoken early feeling refreshed.

  The sun had only been up a few hours by the time I had eaten breakfast, and it was still an hour until I was due to meet Edward at the stables. The storm had now passed us by, though the air remained fresh, scented with the musky aroma of wet vegetation and damp earth. A cool breeze softened the heat of late-summer sun.

  I skirted by the stables to see if Edward had arrived early, but apart from the half-dozen horses they were deserted, so I decided to go sit down by the lake for a few hours. Following a hoof-worn track, along the bottom of the hill, I soon arrived at the lake. Tiny waves glittered in the morning sun, whipped white by the gusty, southerly wind. A wooden jetty protruded into the lake near the bottom of the hill. A pair of well-maintained, wooden sailing dinghies bobbed gently against their lines, squat masts swaying in the breeze. Removing my shoes, I dangled my feet in the warm lake and watched the dragonflies swoop and dart across the surface of the water.

  The lake itself was a wide, curving oval about half a mile long, but just a few hundred yards wide. It ran along the entire southeastern side of the house, at the bottom of the more gently sloping eastern side of the hill. This side of the small hill was cut into a series of grassy terraces, planted with exotic flowers and shrubs. Halfway down the hill, between the house and the lake, I noticed gazebo surrounded by blossoming cherry trees, with a view out across the lake and to the forest beyond. A flash of reflected sunlight from its shadowy interior caught my attention. Perhaps I was paranoid, but I could have sworn I saw a figure moving beneath the shade of the gazebo roof.

  It could only be the Aunt, I thought, poking her crooked nose where it doesn't belong, no doubt. I shivered, despite the warmth of the sun; that woman gave me the creeps. If anything, more so, now that I knew the family's dark past. Determined to enjoy the day, I convinced myself to ignore the intrusion and focused on the day ahead. For awhile I sat on the jetty, watching as fat carp swirled lazily beneath the water, occasionally thrashing to the surface to snap at a low-flying insect.

  My mind kept turning to the day before. It seemed surreal to look back on it now, as though it was a dream. The dull ache between my thighs was testament to its reality. I shivered with remembered pleasure as I recalled how Edward’s thick shaft had filled me so satisfyingly, how I could feel his swollen head rubbing inside of me, stretching me.

  I must have fantasized for longer than I thought, because it seemed like only a moment had passed, then it was time to meet Edward at the stable. As I arrived I saw Edward waiting at
the bottom of the stairs.

  “You're on time today I see...” he laughed. “We'll have to behave ourselves today, I've seen my Aunt lurking around on the veranda.”

  “I saw her too, about an hour ago near at the gazebo, I think,” I replied. “Anyway, who says that I'd want to misbehave again?”

  Edward looked thoughtful for a moment, then walked slowly towards me. Standing just a few inches away from me, he slid his hand inside my panties. I moaned and my knees went weak for a moment as his finger slid between my wet lips. Withdrawing his hand, he licked the damp finger.

  “Your body betrays you, my dear,” he said, winking at me.

  I laughed, and grabbed the bulge in his pants.

  “Yours too,” I answered, grinning as I felt it throb and swell beneath my grasp. I cupped his balls in my hand and squeezed gently, “and you are a terrible pervert, Edward.” I laughed, surprised at my new-found confidence, then kissed him quickly. With a spring in my step, I walked to the stable and changed into my riding gear.


  Edward had finished saddling a gray mare for me by the time I had changed into the riding gear. His black stallion waited nearby, pawing impatiently at the white gravel. Edward grinned as he saw me approach, his eyes lingering on my body and mouth.

  “Looking good, Sandra,” he noted appreciatively.

  “Thanks,” I replied. I considered returning the compliment, but decided he was already cocksure enough without my encouragement.

  Edward offered me his hand, and helped me into the stirrups. I fastened my helmet straps more tightly beneath my chin. To be honest, I felt more than a little nervous. The mare was at least fifteen-hands high, and I was certainly not an experienced rider.

  “Don't worry, she's a gentle young girl,” Edward assured me, sensing my distress. “No jumping today. We'll just go on a little canter around the estate.”